Tips When Screening Resumes

Having a lot of applicants can feel overwhelming. You don’t want to pass on the perfect candidate but do you have the time to look through each resume or application? Here are a few tips to help you bring the best candidates forward.

  1. Ensure your posting is attracting the right kind of applicant.

Some people who are actively looking for a job will apply for anything, even if they aren’t qualified. It’s important while posting the position to make sure to include the required accomplishments the ideal candidate must have.

  1. Look beyond keywords and fancy fonts.

Candidates may load their resumes with common keywords to increase their chances of being at the top of search results. Instead, focus on those resumes that note where and when the skills were used on the job. By reviewing the resume, you can pick out whether the candidate does or doesn’t possess the skills required, regardless of how the resume looks.

  1. Select candidates to proceed to the next step.

Focus on sorting the candidates.  If you have a lot of people in the “yes” pile, narrow down your choices by looking at what additional skills and experience they can bring to the table. Call them with any questions and see which ones stick out the most for the position.

  1. Why settle?

Settling for the wrong employee can cause you much more harm than good.  If you don’t find what you’re looking for in the applications that you have received, go back and re-advertise the position or start sourcing resumes. You will save yourself time and energy by hiring the right employee the first time.

  1. Don’t ignore red flags.

Be on the lookout for red flags such as frequent changes in employers or positions, large gaps in employment; a resume with numerous spelling and grammar mistakes; and vague descriptions of duties & responsibilities. Any concerns should be questioned during the interview.

Follow these tips, and you will be able to spend less time interviewing unqualified candidates and spend more time submitting the qualified ones.

By Artyse Esannason | People Science Talent Advisor

About the Author

, Founder and CEO

Christine Nichlos has been studying the world of work for over 30 years. In 1997, Nichlos founded People Science a Talent Solution company, and most recently HireGate, technology that completes the talent cycle.
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